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We have learned that you have discovered some revolutionary findings when using a new amino acid product (RAC ® ) on your patients before, during and after surgery. What inspired you to begin this treatment, and what are the extraordinary benefits your patients are experiencing?

Dr. Romo: "A healthy and rapid recovery is of utmost importance to our patients as 
well as long-lasting results, Presently, I use RAC ®. for oral supplementation in my preoperative and postoperative patients. I have found that improving a patient’s nutritional state after surgery provides for a more rapid recovery. This allows patients to get back to their normal life quicker. We therefore encourage our patients to continue the use of RAC ® even after the recovery period.” 

Would you recommend RAC ® to patients regardless of the type of surgery?
Dr. Romo: "Yes, essential amino supplementation before and after surgery 
has shown to improve healing, decrease postoperative infections and decrease 
length of stay in the hospital after any surgery."



Our Exclusive Interview
with Dr. Romo

Can RAC ® make keep your skin from thinning?

Dr. Romo: "One of the major problems with aging is thinning skin. Taking essential amino acids helps produce collagen. That thickens the skin and decreases wrinkles from the inside out.” In order to maintain our skin, hair and nails, a balanced diet of amino acids is critical. These structures go on to form protein, collagen and cartilage. The aging process, which is affected by the production of free radicals, UVA and UVB sunlight, smoking, diet, weight loss and gain and chronic diseases, all negatively impact these natural body supports. Without essential amino acids, defined as those the body cannot make and must be eaten and that are provided by RAC ® , the skin gets thinner, the nails and hair get brittle and can fall out.”



Are there any other areas that you have experienced where the use of RAC ® could be beneficial?
Can you give some examples?

Dr. Romo: "Amino acids are the precurser's of collagen, hormones, neurotransmitters and enzymes. These structures are critical for life affecting bone and skin thickness, emotions and general health.”



How can our customers find out more about you and your practice?

Dr. Romo: The can visit my website at

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