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Medical advances not available a generation ago are helping people live longer. But despite all these new technologies, and gains in longevity, many older people are not living a

good quality of life. Our medical profession is not very good

at listening to them and only mildly good at treating them. 


Every year over 4.5 million older American's suffer from: 
Lack of energy, strength, sleep and clarity. Loss of bone 

mass, muscle mass and balance. Surgery and tissue 

damage. Mental, physical and digestive stress.  Poor metabolism, high cholesterol and mood swings.


The question that has remained largely unanswered by
our medical community and general public until now is:

How to add healthy and active years to our lives? 

Although no one can stop you from aging, there are things
we can do to improve your quality of life. These are things you can do now- it's just a matter of being well-informed 
and taking control .




Many studies have proven protein intake decreases in many elders. Amino acids are critical to your body’s vital functions. 

Think of amino acids as pieces of a complex protein puzzle. 

They can be disassembled and reassembled to build and 

repair all kinds of tissues in your body. This makes them vitally important to everyone of your body's functions. Amino acids serve as building blocks (proteins) for developing and 

regenerating muscle mass, hair, and skin. They can also improve other functions such as mobility, digestion, balance, 

sleep, blood sugar, stress levels and so much more!


You can take back your own health and well being with the consistent use of RAC ® as a dietary supplement.
Our proprietary blend of crystalline amino acids has been carefully developed with great sensibility to your aging body. Your body's vital functions 
will be supported and considerably improved, so you can remain healthy and active. RAC ® will
help your body obtain synergy and perfect balance creating life changing results!




Total Body Recovery - Life Changing Results!

The benefits of our exculsive Rapid Amino Acid Complex makes it simple to take back your life! 

Website Design and Marketing by:consIder yourself BRANDED |

Conceived in Sweden  | 100% made in the U.S.A. | RAC ® 2014 R&R Inc.

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